Real-time AMC monitoring system


Real-time AMC monitoring system Vocus CI-TOFMS

Real-time monitoring for airborne molecular contaminants

Sensitive and rapid detection of the airborne molecular contaminants (AMC) presenting in semiconductor manufacturing facilities is extremely important for manufacturing quality and efficiency. There are hundreds of independent processes in manufacturing that can be sources of contamination, such as ventilation systems, leaks, device failures, and human emissions. AMC is comprised of various chemical compound classes that are not comprehensively measured by traditional monitoring techniques. Additionally, as node miniaturization progresses, the presence of trace concentrations (less than 10 pptv) of AMC has a significant impact on wafer defects, leading to lower yields.

Real-time AMC monitoring system

AMCs have very different physical and chemical properties and interact and react uniquely with surfaces and other compounds. Due to the complexity of AMC configurations, modern monitoring systems must comprehensively measure a wide range of compounds spanning multiple chemical functionalities and vapor pressure ranges with sufficient speed and sensitivity.
Traditional AMC monitoring solutions often require multiple sensors to adequately measure the entire list of compounds that need to be monitored. TOFWERK's real-time AMC monitoring instrument Vocus CI-TOFMS (Chemical Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer) provides robust and simultaneous measurement of multiple AMC categories in one solution

Features of the real-time chemical ionization mass spectrometer

Features of the real-time chemical ionization mass spectrometer

Ultra-fast analysis

Quantify, characterize, and report volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and volatile inorganic compounds (VICs) in complex mixtures in real time without air sampling and chromatography.

Detects atmospheric gas concentrations below pptv

Vocus CI-TOFMS achieves sub-pptv limits of detection (LOD) for a wide variety of compounds.

Mobile design

Robust and compact design allows in-situ design for instrument placement at the sample location.

Exchangeable chemical ionization reactor

Regent ions can be switched in seconds (real-time regent ion switching).

Ingenious Aim reactor

Achieves fast (real-time) and highly sensitive (pptv) detection of trace organic and inorganic compounds over the entire volatility range.
Both POS/NEG ions can be used, and VOCs and VICs including radicals can be detected with high sensitivity.

High sensitivity PTR reactor

Compatible with a wide range of VOC analysis.
TOFWERK's unique RF field focuses ions, achieving more than 10 times the sensitivity compared to other PTRs

Supports ultra-sensitive measurements of acids, bases, condensable organic substances, and VOCs

The Aim reactor realizes ultra-high-speed simultaneous measurement of acids, bases, condensables, and volatile compounds using.

Image of simultaneous measurement of acids, bases, condensables, and VOCs
Figure.1 Image of simultaneous measurement of acids, bases, condensables, and VOCs

High sensitivity that surpasses other instruments for condensable organic substances, amines, ammonia, inorganic acids, and organic acids

Detection limits corresponding to the most advanced EUV5nm node
                            ※ABC VOC monitor(Aim Reactor)、VOC monitor(PTR Reactor)
Figure.2 Detection limits corresponding to the most advanced EUV5nm node ※ABC VOC monitor(Aim Reactor)、VOC monitor(PTR Reactor)

Material off-gassing in ISO5 microtechnology cleanroom

Direct measurement of purged material with CDA (Clean Dry Air)

Simultaneous compound measurement using three different ionic chemical reactions using the Aim reactor
Figure.3 Simultaneous compound measurement using three different ionic chemical reactions using the Aim reactor


Model PTR Aim Resolution
Power Consumption
Scout 3,500 <10 4,000 10min 480x615x1130 120 <1,100
S 5,000 <1 30k 10min 480x615x1130 120 <1,100
2R 10,000 <1 30k 10min 480x615x1480 160 <1,100
B 1,200 <10 10k 50ms 480x615x1335 130 <1,100
B2 5,000 <1 10k 50ms 480x615x1335 170 <1,100
B4 10,000 <1 10k 50ms 480x635x1335 185 <1,100

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